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Learning - life long process

Develop the skills that need for lifelong

We are happy to bring our Zenith International Academy, in Tamil Nadu, India and with the 15 years of experience in education field share our passion for childhood education with the community. Zenith International Academy is not just a place for children to learn basic skills, but where young minds can open up and develop the skills they need for lifelong.

The Way of Zenith International Academy

Zenith International Academy begins with passion on 2017. Initially we started early childhood education and day care. In order to provide various activities initially we joined our hands with UCMAS, after we had signed MOU with the Indian Abacus. Later Zenith International Academy Joins hand with IQIA Chennai.

Zenith International Academy developed and trained more than 3000 children’s by conducting brain development program. Bring out the talents in 200 young teachers, currently they are successfully shined as a teacher. Zenith found the Women Entrepreneurs those who are struggling with huge questions and guide to them, Our Zenith International Academy gave all the answers they need made them as Entrepreneurs. 200 plus Women Entrepreneurs are running their own business.

Mrs. A. Anitha Mary M.A, B.Ed, B.TED, DMTED.

In vision of giving metro cities extra study features in urban areas. I had started the Zentih International Academy. Our academy Conducting State Level Competition, National Level Competition to show their talent to the world. By participating our children’s in other completion to encourage their skills to achieve.

Programs Offered

Training Program For Children's
Mid brain Activation
Rubik's Cube
Spell bee
Photographic memory
Vedic Maths
Hand writting
Memory techniques
Aero modelling
Training Program For Teachers
Montessori Teacher Training
Mid brain Activation
Rubik's Cube
Spell bee
Photographic memory
Vedic Maths
Hand writting
Memory techniques
Aero modelling
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Zenith International Academy is not just a place for children to learn basic skills, but where young minds can open up and develop the skills they need for lifelong.

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Teacher training helps teachers in the art of expressing themselves. Regular training and feedback keep teachers' current knowledge in pedagogical trends and reinforce what works.

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